Grow with Lisa L. Frady, LCSW
Moving You Forward
Hi, I'm Lisa L. Frady, LCSW, a social worker for over 30 years, here to help you create your life based on who you are truly and what you need. Many of us go through life wondering what we did to deserve the experiences we're encountering. The reality is there's NOTHING we've done to deserve those experiences. We are however operating on beliefs that are setting us up to internalize negative energy pertaining to those experiences which we turn into symptoms of anxiety, depression and other forms of physical ailments. These are unnecessary. There is a way out.
My Story
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Growing up in a family that struggled with grief/loss, addictions, co-dependency, violence and dysfunction, I existed in life feeling lonely, worthless and empty for too long. I turned my life upside down and reconstructed it based upon me as I was truly created. Living life whole, as a spiritually connected being, brought me to love, accept and respect myself. In this place LIFE IS GOOD! In practice since 1996, I know the path and am here to guide you there.

Thought-Based Approach
Guidance and Support That Makes a Difference
I utilize a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Interpersonal Process Orientation Therapy, Systems Therapy, Psycho-dynamics Therapy and Accelerated Resolution Therapy which I base upon patient needs.

Individual Psychotherapy Session
Guidance & Inspiration
As patients describe the experiences they encountered throughout their lives, I am on the roller coaster ride with them, seeing, hearing, feeling all of the details and resulting beliefs that keep them on the roller coaster. We sift and sort through those beliefs empowering patients to reconstruct them so the beliefs are in line with their true selves enabling them to create what they need in their lives. OUR BELIEFS ARE THE FOUNDATION OF WHAT WE EXPERIENCE IN LIFE!

Relationship Psychotherapy Session
Embrace Life’s Challenges
Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. In sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you. You'll learn how to be vulnerable to connect wholeheartedly with others. VULNERABILITY IS THE ESSENCE OF HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. WITHOUT IT, WE HAVE DISCONNECTION!

Group Psychotherapy Session
Get the Most out of Life
This service is a favorite among many of my clients, as it is often times one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. I have facilitated many types of groups over the years including Batterers Intervention, Non-offending Parents, Adult Sex Offenders, Adolescent Sex Offenders, Substance Abuse, Substance Addiction and Co-Dependency. All of these have one thing in common which is co-dependency. I am, therefore, concentrating on the Co-Dependency group. Check out my blog on Co-Dependency to learn more.
No matter which type of service you choose, my job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.
Whatever you’re facing, I’m here to help you create the life you need. Contact me to find out more.
When you stop chasing what your mind wants you will get what your soul needs.

Schedule a Session
Lisa L. Frady, LCSW
1529 Hunt Club Blvd
Suite 201
Gallatin, TN, Sumner County, 37066